Let Christ in the Boat!
When the disciples let Jesus into the boat they IMMEDIATELY got to their destination. They escaped the treacherous wind and the exhausting rowing they would have had to continue. Why don't we allow Christ to do that in our lives? It is either we don't let Christ in at all or we just let Him visit when we want Him to. Relying on and trusting in the Lord always turns out better than we could ever picture it. Just look at the case with the disciples. They invited Jesus in, they trusted Him, and they let Him be in control and the Lord took them where they needed to be. Let Him into your heart and your life and turn over the reigns to Him and you will see His greatness! He can calm the storm and he can get you where you need to and should be. So LET GO and LET GOD!!!
All content copyright © 2009 Amber Johnson. All rights reserved.
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