Part 1: Set me Free
Set me Free
By: Amber Johnson
Broken hearted
From those I have parted
Need to move
Beyond the past
I’m sinking fast
Two steps forward
One step back
Some days are great
Others I just can’t think straight
I get so tied up
I hit the ground face down
With nothing but a frown and a tear
Wondering if God’s near
What have I done to keep on remembering?
I just want to forget everything
I beg to forget
Has that time not come yet?
I want to be set free
But what’s not letting me?
I cry on bended knee
With all my begging pleas
To just Jesus be set free
From all that I think I miss
Does what I remember even exist?
I am so confused
I feel so bruised
From all the beatings
During the memory lane meetings
Where I fall
So far I can’t walk and stand tall
But have to crawl
To try to be by your side
Because I need a guide
A place to hide
You’ve seen what I’ve tried
You have seen how I’ve cried
Why can’t I just stay by your side
I can’t forget
Why does this always make me so upset?
Is there something I haven’t seen yet?
What do I need to learn?
So my heart doesn’t burn
With this turmoil of the past
That I wish I could just forget at last
Help me
Heal me
Hear me
Set me FREE
If you are hurting- run to Jesus and He will heal you, help you, and make you whole!
All content copyright © 2009 Amber Johnson. All rights reserved. You MUST GET WRITTEN PERMISSION to reprint or republish any of this material.
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