This poem imitates the structure of Oh Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman. It dives into the truth of Jesus Christ and how He is the Savior of us all.
Oh Father! My Father!
By: Amber Johnson
Oh Father! My Father! I mourn for you
For all the things you’ve taught me and for everything you do
When I’m on the wrong path you show me where to go
You show me all the right ways the ones I didn’t know
The pain! The pain!
Oh nailed upon a tree
Was the perfect man, my father, and my friend
A great death for a sinner but not for he
Oh Father! My Father! It can’t be true
They didn’t know what they were doing they had no clue
They whipped an innocent man
And put a nail through each hand
The agony! The agony!
The people who have done this were blind and couldn’t see
For you were a leader, a Savior, and a friend
A great death for a sinner but not for he
My Father in his grave
Whom we can’t possibly save
Is dead, he lived the right life and he still died
He had nails in his hand, a crown of thorns, and a sword pierced in his side
Rise! Rise!
And with those words on that third day he appeared to me
Then he went up into heaven and I knew it was true it was
A great death for a sinner but not for He
All content copyright © 2009 Amber Johnson. All rights reserved.
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You MUST GET WRITTEN PERMISSION to reprint or republish any of this material.
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