Justified...just as if I never sinned. Jesus died on the cross for ALL our sins and His glorious purifying blood covers us to make us righteous and justified before the Almighty God. Can you wrap your mind around that? What a Savior! I could just stop there and let you contemplate that. It brings tears to my eyes. Even though I have sinned the blood of Jesus can purify me, can cleanse me, and can make me right once again. I will never be perfect but I strive to be like Christ in all I say and do. I continue to praise and thank my Savior for the gift of His blood, His justification, and making me right in the eyes of God. Praise the Lord Jesus for His sacrifice, for His love, and for the gift of bridging the gap between myself and the powerful just God. Praise and thank the Lord for washing you white as snow with His righteous blood. Praise the Lord for saving you from the sin that entangles us all. Praise Jesus for being the bridge to the Lord. Praise Him for all He is today and every day! If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior the free gift of salvation and freedom from sin is waiting for you. All you need to do is accept Jesus Christ as the King, Master, and Ruler of your life and know that Jesus died on the cross and rose again to save you from your sin. Remember it does not matter what you have done. Jesus will take you as you are and wash you white as snow with His purifying blood.
All content copyright © 2009 Amber Johnson. All rights reserved. You MUST GET WRITTEN PERMISSION to reprint or republish any of this material.
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