Life has ups and downs. There are times of unexplainable joy, everything seems to be going your way and the wind even seems to be blowing you in the direction you need to go. Then there are those other times, it seems as if the load on your shoulders could not get any heavier and you laugh when something else doesn't work out the way you thought it would because you don't know what else to do. I have encouragement for you in those other times. The Lord more powerful then our finite minds could ever possibly attempt to IMAGINE knows what we are going through and gives us the strength to get through. I know you hear this a lot but it is the truth. We are not to be living this life in our own strength ANYWAY. If you need a load on your shoulders to get you to give your everyday up to the Lord well maybe that is why it is there. Just try this, when life seems to be crashing down around you ...THINK OF THE LORD. Think about the Lord and how GRAND and GLORIOUS He is, how many INFINITE BLESSINGS He has unendingly bestowed upon you, and how He wants you to cast all your cares upon Him so He can shoulder the burden for you. The Lord just wants what's best for you and if you are going through tough times you think you can't handle you are right YOU can't handle them but guess what the Lord will willingly take your problems and those tough times and give you strength while He holds you up through it ALL. I know things can be difficult, your heart could be broken, you could have lost a loved one, you could be struggling with an illness you just can't seem to beat, you could have financial issues, or it could just be all those little things that seem to be insurmountable but you know what... the Lord is there for you and He heals all those things. He mends the heart of the brokenhearted, He is the great physician, He is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, and no problem is to big or too small for Him to handle. So find hope in this...the Lord of all there is and all there ever will be LOVES YOU, CARES for YOU, and will HOLD YOU UP through all the difficult things you may be going through. Find hope in the Lord and think about Him when the tears are pouring down your face, when you can't seem to place one more foot in front of the other, or when you just don't think you can push through another problem. THINK ABOUT THE LORD AND REJOICE! He won the victory for you and there is nothing you and the Lord can not conquer together! He will love you and uphold you through it all. God bless you all!
Thank you Lord for your unending love, hope, blessings, strength, and help. I will ever praise you!!!
All content copyright © 2009 Amber Johnson. All rights reserved. You MUST GET WRITTEN PERMISSION to reprint or republish any of this material.
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