God uses the tough times in our lives to show us things we often forget. When we are feeling swept under by waves of struggle we are forced to our knees. Our cry to our Lord who hears, who helps, and who heals becomes louder and that is all we can do. We are in a state of constantly crying out to God Almighty and relying on Him for our next breath and our next step. In this place we are ever calling for Him and ever reaching for Him. Just think about the utter weakness you are in at that moment or during that time. You know that only through the mighty strength of Jesus can you succeed. He speaks to us in those times and says, "[m]y grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). Do you take advantage of that? You can either lay down and let your weakness consume you or you can let the superior unending overwhelming power of the Lord God Almighty shine through your weakness. Nothing is the same when you allow the Lord to work through you and you rely on Him every step of the way. The truth is "... NOTHING is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37). It doesn't say a few things, some things, or just the small things are impossible with God. It says NOTHING, meaning no matter what you are going through, what you are up against, or what waves of struggle are sweeping you under He has the power to help you, heal you, save you, and strengthen you. Forget what you don't think is possible and live the impossible with God! Remember to give God all the glory. Praise the Lord for He is good!
All content copyright © 2009 Amber Johnson. All rights reserved. You MUST GET WRITTEN PERMISSION to reprint or republish any of this material.
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