As Christians everything we do should reflect our King, Jesus Christ. What we say, how we say it, what we do, how we think and what we think about. Our lives should be an out pour of the love, wisdom, hope, joy, and goodness of Christ. Remember we are on this Earth for more than ourselves, we are here to be a servant to Christ and to share the good news of Christ with all those who enter our paths. People are watching us, will they see Christ in you?
All content copyright © 2009 Amber Johnson. All rights reserved. You MUST GET WRITTEN PERMISSION to reprint or republish any of this material.
Wow girl. What an awesome reminder! Thank you for sharing this! definitely will be pondering this today-do people see Jesus in me? I pray so!
Blessings! :)
Thank you for the great encouragement! You are a great example from your blog alone! Keep up the great work :D. God Bless
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