God is Good....
All the Time....
All the Time....
God is Good....
And the BEST is YET to COME!!!!
Today has been a great day! So much is going on in my life but I know that surrender is the key! God wants my life and when I hand it over to Him He will make it good....great...awesome!!! God loves us knowing who we are wholly and truly. He is the best friend a person could have with the best advice, all the right answers, and the plan for our future. We need to forget about our own interests and focus on the Lords. Give up the worldly for eternity. Are you ready to hand over your life to the King and trade the worldly for a miraculous eternity? Just remember God is GOOD all the time and the BEST is YET to COME!!!
All content copyright © 2009 Amber Johnson. All rights reserved. You MUST GET WRITTEN PERMISSION to reprint or republish any of this material.