Don't Forget to Smile!
God is the ultimate healer. My best day is my best day because the Lord is sustaining me, protecting me, and helping me. He is lifting me up and blessing me with His promises. Yet, even when i am faced with the days when I don't feel so great there is more than enough hope in the Lord to make that not so good day, great. He is the bright light at the end of that tunnel you need to walk through. He is that helping hand to get you through. He is the solid foundation you can stand on to keep you from sinking. He is the one who makes all things right. Jesus is the ultimate healer for your soul, your body, and your life. If your day, your soul, and your body are not at their best surrender them to the Lord. Invite Christ into your day, into your heart, and into your life to do what He does best...makes the ordinary into extraordinary and the okay into great. Jesus can turn your life around and put a smile on your face when you don't think there should or could be one there. Trust me I am living proof :D. Jesus is the reason for the smiles, the hope, and the joy. Accept Him today and exchange that frown for a bright smile in Christ, turn in the despair for hope, and exalt Him with all the joy and peace you receive in Him. Jesus not only can but will change your life if you let Him. If Jesus is your Lord and Savior show it!!! If He saved you, healed you, and helped you, remember, and be overwhelmed with joy and happiness, tell everyone and don't forget to smile!!!
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