The holidays always get us thinking of resolutions, of changes we need to make, and of things we need to or should do. Today the Lord has especially laid it on my heart to continue to change. We are all sinners, we all have fallen short of the glory of God, and we all make mistakes. We are not perfect, we do not have life down, and we do not know what is in store for us in the future. Although, we can trust the Lord for the perfection, for the control, and for the future. Striving to be like the Lord completes us as people, it draws us near to God, and it praises Him as well. I pray that we all long to change to be like our Lord and to serve Him in every way stated in His Word. I pray that we all have a deep desire to read His love letter to us, the Bible. I pray that we are not satisfied with who we are but unceasingly climb to new heights of loving and living for Christ. I am a sinner, I have and will sin, and I am beyond blessed to know that my Lord will forgive me and set me straight. He will love me, teach me, and turn me around. I pray that the Lord continue to change us, transform us, and make us more like Himself with our every breath and our every heart beat. Remember who we are celebrating- Jesus- so do what would honor Him and give Him the present of your obedience, your faithfulness, and your Christ-likeness.
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